Hello, there !!
Recently when I went to the hospital with cold and running nose I also talked to a hospital Staff regarding some kind white patches on my palms, which would appear and disappear , it would be scaly and falling off type and sometimes with some itching. The first thing she asked was "Why? don't you drink enough water? What has got water do with this ? I thought , but she was right I never drink more than one glasses, that too after lunch . Even the office boy used to complain that the water jar is always full, what is the use of getting fresh water every day.
But the question of the hospital staff did really set me thinking ? Why was I not drinking water? and what are the consequences ? . As usual I went for consultations with Google Bhagwan , and as usual I got a wealth of information in seconds.
It seems in order to maintain good health all of us have to maintain our PH balance, and most of the common illness stems from this imbalance of PH . It has a scale from 0-14, with 7 being neutral. Anything above 7 is alkaline and anything below 7 is acidic. A change of 1 unit on a pH scale represents a 10 fold change in the pH, so water with a pH of 6 is 10 times more acidic than water with a pH of 7, and water with a pH of 5 is 100 times more acidic than water with a pH of 7.
According to "The Complete Book of Enzyme Therapy" by Anthony J. Cichoke, the human body's optimal pH range is between 7.35 and 7.45. ,when your body is in an alkaline state, you are less likely to suffer from chronic diseases. The foods and beverages you consume each day have a direct impact on the acid and alkaline balance in your body. This balance is measured by determining your pH value, which tells you if your body's fluids and tissues are more acidic or alkaline. On a pH scale of negative 4.5, which is very acidic, to positive 9.5, which is highly alkaline, your body is considered healthy and alkaline if you have a pH level of 7.0 or above.
If you have a slight PH fluctuation, and your body becomes more acidic than it should be, your body immediately begins to exhibit symptoms of an imbalance. These symptoms may be considered little things, like a runny nose, fatigue, a skin breakout, or a slight case of irritable bowel syndrome. However, these minor health issues are actually the first sign that your body might be too acidic and needs to reach a more alkaline state. Although exposure to germs and contaminants, stress, and other external life factors can cause all of these symptoms too, you are more likely to have clearer skin, better digestion, more energy, and a nose that runs less often when your body is alkaline.
When your body fluids contain too much acid, this is known as acidosis. Acidosis occurs when your kidneys and lungs can’t keep your body’s pH in balance. Many of the body’s processes produce acid. For instance, your lungs and kidneys can usually compensate for slight pH imbalances, but problems with these organs can lead to excess acid in your body
Some of the common symptoms of metabolic acidosis include the following:
rapid and shallow breathing ,confusion, fatigue, headache, sleepiness, lack of appetite
jaundice , increased heart rate, breath that smells fruity, which is a sign of diabetic acidosis (ketoacidosis)
However some circumstances can lead to too-high alkalinity levels, a condition called alkalosis. Alkalosis has multiple symptoms, but because these symptoms can have many causes, you should consult a doctor in cases where alkalosis is suspected but not clinically confirmed.The National Institutes of Health reports light-headedness as a common alkalosis symptom, as well as confusion. In extreme cases, such symptoms can worsen to the level of catatonic stupor and even coma. Arthur Greenberg and Alfred K. Cheung's "Primer on Kidney Diseases" states that alkalosis may also cause a predisposition to seizures, and Cichoke's book adds that severe cases can also put victims in a state of shock and could cause death.
It seems by changing the diet which you take plays a great role in maintaining a healthy PH level. This chart adapted from The Ultimate PH Solution gives specific examples of some alkaline-forming foods:
Brussel sprouts
sweet potato
green beans
collard greens
green tea
So the things that I came away with was :
- eat less meat and more plants (veggies, fruits, legumes, pulses)
- eat less processed food (especially white sugar and flour) and more whole-foods and home-cooked food
- stop drinking soft drinks, including diet ones, and
- drink less alcohol and coffee.
Hope you got a general Idea of this whole PH thing, I am not getting deeper into this, I may turn into a doctor and the next thing I know you guys will coming for a consultation !!
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